Learn About My Story
Committed to a Life of Service
Ever since I was young, I knew I had a call on my life but life was not easy. I spent allot of my early years living in the ghetto and at some point in my early teens was left to live with family members. I began to doubt myself because of different authourity figures that spoke words of death instead of life.
However, things began to look up in my early twenties. I was able to start an extermination business and several other businesses that did very well. Business was booming, and then one day everything was lost because of a witch's curse. After years of torture and living on the beach I was led to Christ, and after much deliverance and healing, I began to move in the prophetic. My prayer life and relationship with God was elevated.
I was tutored and mentored by several prophets but most notable Prophet Frank Hagan.
Since then I have written several books, which have produced many testimonies as a result of helping many to recieve healing and deliverance.
Like my master, Jesus Christ, I follow him to bring freedom to the captives from the bondage and snares of the adversary.
A Ministry of Deliverance